Crystals for Legal Issues

Crystals for Legal Issues

Are you involved in a legal matter and are looking for crystals and gemstones that can support you? There are a variety of reasons why someone may become involved in a legal issue. These crystals for legal issues can aid you when you may find yourself engaged in the legal system.

  • Traffic tickets
  • Divorce proceedings
  • Child custody
  • Protection order
  • Civil lawsuit
  • Class action lawsuit
  • Victim of a crime
  • Witness to a crime
  • Jury member

Whether you are initiating legal action, are the defendant, or an involved party, these crystals can support you and help you navigate the legal problems.


Hematite is called the Stone of the Mind because it helps us focus, process information, and make conclusions from that information. Often, legal issues can feel scary, overwhelming, or intimidating (or all three simultaneously!). There are often strong emotions involved. Depending on your role in this issue, you could feel angry, sad, scared, nervous, or exhausted (just to name a few). It’s hard to function and make wise choices within a sea of emotions. Also, the amount and complexity of information involved in a lawsuit can make someone’s brain ache. Hematite will help you ground in the present moment, release excess emotion, and objectively focus on the information. It provides the sense of a secure island in the middle of the ocean.


Citrine is the ultimate stone of confidence and success. It is normal to feel scared or full of doubt when navigating the legal waters. Citrine shines bright like the sun and increases self-confidence, self-esteem, and assurance. It ignites motivation, drive, and inspiration. This is also a crystal of abundance and prosperity. It helps you feel that you deserve success. Citrine will inspire creative ideas that will lead to a successful outcome and provide the confidence to stand firm in your decisions and actions.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye holds within it the energy of stability and confidence. Tiger’s Eye often has veins of Hematite running throughout. It provides all of the grounding and focusing qualities of Hematite. However, Tiger’s Eye is also shiny and golden just like Citrine. It boosts confidence and assurance. Tiger’s Eye is a fantastic combination of both Hematite and Citrine all in one stone. It enables you to feel rooted strongly in the Earth while growing tall and expanding – just like a mighty tree.

Smoky Citrine

Much like Tiger’s Eye, Smoky Citrine combines the qualities of grounding and confidence. Smoky Quartz is a gentle, soothing stone that helps us feel grounded, stable, and nurtured during difficult times. Then, Smoky Citrine embodies all the positive qualities of Citrine, such as increasing confidence, self-esteem, and attracting abundance.

Fire Quartz / Hematoid Quartz

Fire Quartz is a stone that also includes Hematite which causes red, flamelike patterns within the Clear Quartz. This crystal combines the powerful benefits of both Clear Quartz and Hematite. Clear Quartz is the Stone of Amplification and helps to increase focus, clarity, and the energy of other gemstones and intentions. Hematoid Quartz is the ultimate stone of focus and drive. It helps you understand and absorb all the knowledge about the case, make wise choices, and have the drive to follow through.


Much like Tiger’s Eye and Smoky Citrine, Pyrite is a gemstone that is supportive and protective while also boosting confidence. Its unique benefit is assisting with problem solving. If your issue is complicated, or you’re struggling with how to proceed, Pyrite will help you figure it out. This stone enables you to concentrate, maneuver challenges, and move forward with assurance.

Using Crystals for Legal Issues

Choose one or more of these crystals and carry them with you anytime you need to focus on the case. If you’re meeting with a lawyer, reading documents, or appearing in court, these gemstones will support you. Wear as a bracelet, carry on your pocket, or hold them on your non-dominant, receiving hand. If you start to feel tired, overwhelmed, or discouraged, breath in to receive the energy of the gems.

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Lapis Lazuli Legends & History

Lapis Lazuli has an rich and ancient history full of legends and associations with the Gods. Find out how the Lapis Lazuli history contributes to and supports the spiritual benefits of this gemstone. Learn to unlock the Crystal Wisdom of Lapis by learning its phenomenal history.

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How Old is Lapis?

As one of the oldest known gemstones, Lapis was said to be used for jewelry in prehistoric times and has been linked to multiple ancient cultures. The use and reverence for Lapis goes back at least 6000 years. In fact, the oldest Lapis mine is in Afghanistan and has been producing high quality specimen for, since about 7000 BC.  

How did Lapis get its Name?

First, there are two ways to pronounce this stone. The first is LA:pis LA:zew:lee and the second is LA:pis l[e]:ZOO:lee – it really depends on the region you live in, but the standard dictionaries place the stress on the second word on the first syllable. LA:pis LA:zew:lee

There are many languages that contributed to the name of this stone. The Ancient Greeks and Romans called this stone sapphirus, but was changed to its current name during the Middle Ages. In medieval latin, the term Lapis meant “stone.” Lazuli is not so straight forward. In Latin it is generally interpreted as ‘blue sky.’ But the persian work lazhuward also meant ‘blue.’ Azul, which is a part of the word Lazuli, also means Blue. We eventually found our way to a name that generally means Blue Stone.

What Is Lapis’s Structure and Composition?

Lapis is composed of several minerals so is technically considered a rock –but, a semi-precious rock, as opposed to being its own mineral or a gem. It consists primarily of  Lazurite, but can also include calcite, sodalite, pyrite, and several other minerals. Its inclusion of sodalite may explain why the two are often confused for each other. They do look very similar, but Lapis will have Pyrite inclusions, whereas Sodalite does not. The most valuable pieces of Lapis have little to no white calcite, are a striking blue color, with noticeable inclusions of pyrite. A high quality piece of Lapis looks like a deep blue, sparkly night sky.


Where is Lapis found today?

Lapis can be found all over the world. The largest deposits can be found in Afghanistan, Russia, and Chile, but it is also mined in Angola, Myanmar, Canada, Pakistan, California, and Colorado. This means that Lapis is easily accessible and reasonably affordable depending on the quality you prefer.

Which Cultures Used Lapis and Why?

As I mentioned before, it is believed that Lapis was used to make jewelry in prehistoric times.

  • 4000 BC: Lapis was used as a symbol of royalty in ancient Sumaria and was linked to the Sumerian Goddess, Inanna.
  • 3100 BC: Ancient Egyptians used Lapis in a wide array of decorations, jewelry, and holy objects. They ground it to a powder to use as a cosmetic. It was said to be Cleopatra’s favorite eye color. Lapis was also used to decorate the sarcophagus and funeral mask of King Tut. 
  • Starting around 22 BC: Lapis was used to carve statues and holy relics in China.
  • In the Middle Ages, it was ground and used as a pigment in ultramarine paint. Michelangelo used it for the skies when he painted the Sistine Chapel. And painter Vermeer used it in the famous painting, Girl with a Pearl Earring.
  • Lapis has been used throughout the ages to decorate palaces and churches. Such as Lyons Hall in Catherine Palace in Russia.

Stories or Legends Associated With Lapis

Lapis Lazuli history spans millenium and is steeped in lore. In 4000 BC, the Sumerian Godess of Love, Inanna, wore a lapis pendant and measuring rod. The color blue represented the color of the deep water and represent her role in creating the oceans and skies.

In Ancient Egpyt, the stone was said to contain the soul of the Gods, so would connect the bearer directly with the Gods. Lapis specifically represented the Goddess Maat, the goddess of truth, and was used by judges and high priestesses to who sought truth and wisdom. In the The Egyptian Book of the Dead it describes how to used Lapis in funeral rites, therefore, aiding those transitioning to the afterlife.

In one of the earliest works of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Lapis is mentioned several times. In this story Lapis is used many times to represent the Gods. Either as gifts from the gods, or to indicate that something is the property of representative of the gods.

Legend describes how Lord Solomon was aided by an angel of the Lord who gave him a Lapis ring. This ring enabled him to control an army of demons that he used to build a temple.

From a healing perspective, lapis was ground and used as a poultice to draw out spiritual impurities. It would help a person release those urges and qualities that were preventing spiritual progress.

How these Legends Contribute to Lapis Benefits

How does the Lapis Lazuli history influence its spiritual properties today? Because of its shade of blue and flecks of sparkly Pyrite, it has often been associated with the sky, and to the Gods who ruled from above. Throughout history, from all over the world, and unrelated communities – Lapis has represented the Gods and the Spiritual World. It aids in connecting to the Gods, accessing the spirit world, and transitioning to spirit world after death. This connects directly with the benefits associated with Lapis. Sitting with Lapis can help you connect with all aspects your spiritual side.

Intuition and Inner Wisdom – Lapis can help to awaken intuition. This enables you to open and receive wisdom from whichever entity you consider greater than yourself, or from the collective unconscious.  Lapis also helps you connect to your own deep inner wisdom. The wisdom stored within you from past experience, past lives, and past guidance. It strengthens your sense of gut feelings and ability to act on them. Lapis acts, in essence, as a gateway to the Gods, or external and internal wisdom.

Truth and Authenticity – As Lapis represented the God of Truth, so it also acts to unveil the truth you may be denying and to help you uncover authenticity in your life. I believe one of our ultimate spiritual goals in to discover and honor our authentic presence in this world. Lapis is a powerful tool for revealing the truth is a way that is undeniable, and helps us own this truth. It is the color of the Throat Chakra which regulates our sense of truth, authenticity, communication and wisdom. If you are in a stage of finding yourself, sharing your true self, or just acknowledging the truth within, Lapis is a great stone to help.

Spiritual Protection – Lapis is a stone that helps with spiritual protection. It protects your aura and energy. It will protect your mind, spirit, and body during meditations, rituals, and spiritual practices. If you have an active spiritual path and practice, especially if you are just starting, wearing or holding Lapis can keep you centered and protected during these practices. If you feel oppressed, surrounded by negative energy, or the target of someone else’s negative energy, Lapis acts as a shield to protect your energy.

In essence this is the perfect stone for spiritual awakening because it allows you to OPEN up, receive, express yourself, and protects you while you do so. So in your everyday life, if you are immersing into your spiritual life, performing spiritual study and practices, and trying to awaken your intuition – wear this stone. You can feel safe in releasing any hesitation about your practice.

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Auralite-23 Spiritual Properties: Stone of Awakening

Auralite-23 – (Third Eye & Crown Chakra) – (ALL Zodiac Signs)

Auralite-23 is an amazing gemstone that I have only recently had the pleasure of working with. It is incredibly stimulating AND calming at the same time. This crystal helps us achieve just the right energetic balance to achieve our spiritual goals. Find out the Auralite-23 spiritual properties and how you can benefit from their supportive and healing blessings!

Science of Auralite-23

Auralite-23 is primarily mined in the Boreal Forest of Canada and is similar to Amethyst. It gets it’s name because specimen can contain a combination of up to 23 different minerals! These can include Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gialite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile.

Metaphysical Attributes of Auralite-23

Auralite-23 spiritual properties have a dramatically calming effect on the body and mind. This allows you to sink deeply into meditation and release worries, thoughts, and attachments that tend to disrupt meditation. If you have had trouble settling into meditation, or feel that it’s too difficult, hold or wear Auralite-23 to assist you.

The calming effect also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It allows us to release worries that won’t seem to leave our mind. If you find yourself stuck in a mindset of worry, then sit with this stone when you feel anxious. This effect also help those who can’t fall asleep due to worry or an over-active mind. Auralite-23’s soothing properties help you tap into your healing energies and make this an incredibly healing crystal. Wear this stone whenever you are ill or injured and it will help your body rest and recuperate. Sometimes the stress of being ill prevents us from getting the deep, recuperative sleep we need to recover. So keep Auralite-23 on your nightstand to aid with sleep. This crystal also dissolves any energetic or karmic blocks that prevent healing.

Auralite-23 includes minerals of all Chakra colors, so it can activate, cleanse, align and balance ALL of the Chakras. It has the most affect on the Third Eye & Crown chakras and allows us to release any emotional and mental blocks that are preventing spiritual growth. Working with Auralite-23 accelerates spiritual development and enables deeper absorption of spiritual knowledge and easier access to spiritual experiences. This is an amazing crystal to have with you if you are a Spiritual Student. Take this stone with you to spiritual classes, retreats, meditation session, and ritual practices.

Physical Healing Benefits of Auralite-23

The physical healing benefits of Auralite-23 are said to be deep relaxation and stress reduction. It is also supposed to aid in healing, so is excellent for those with major illness, or recovering from critical injuries.

Auralite-23 Mantra Practice

Sit in a seated meditation position, holding the Auralite-23 in your less dominant hand to receive its energy.  Really feel the support of the cushion or floor beneath you. You are grounded and supported by the Earth’s energies. Imagine yourself surrounded by a bright purple light that is ablaze with golden sparkles. This energy raises our energetic vibration. Repeat this mantra, “I am Relaxed. I Release any Doubts. I am ready to Connect deeply with the source of Divine and Universal knowledge.”

Learn More – Auralite-23 Videos!

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K2 Stone Spiritual Properties: Stone of Heaven on Earth

K2 Azurite “Ketonite” – (Third Eye Chakra) (Zodiac of Sagittarius)

For this latest blog post we’re digging into a fairly newly discovered stone! K2 Stone (also known as Ketonite) was found less than a decade ago in the foothills at the base of the K2 mountain. K2, or Mount Godwin Austen, is the second-highest mountain in the world and is home to it’s very own special and unique gemstone.  It’s a fairly remote and harsh location, so there isn’t a huge production of stones in the market. Find out the K2 Azurite Stone spiritual properties and how you can benefit from their supportive and healing blessings!

The Science of K2 Stone

I was just stunned when I first saw this stone.  It just doesn’t seem real and looks dyed, but I assure you it is not.  The blue spots are Azurite.  The blue Azurite really “pops” against the white and black granite. Some specimen even have very small dots of Malachite as well. Often called “K2 Jasper,” it’s not a Jasper at all – it is a granite.

Historical Significance of K2 Stone

There isn’t much history to the stone itself, since it was just discovered, but Azurite has a lengthy history as a sacred stone. The Native Americans used it to assist contact with one’s Spirit Guides.  Mayans also used Azurite to manifest psychic abilities, mystical powers, and telepathy.

Metaphysical Attributes of K2 Azurite Stone

K2 Stone works extremely well with the Third Eye Chakra.  It bridges the gap between Crown and Throat Chakra and is intensified in the middle at the Third Eye. This stone is primarily known for its intense ability to awaken psychic and intuitive abilities.   K2 Azurite helps us open up to receive Universal wisdom.  It assists with out of body journeying and accessing Akashic records.  It is also used as an effective meditation aid, helping to clear cluttering thoughts and tune into quiet stillness and insight.

The K2 Azurite Stone spiritual properties help us to connect with our spirit guides and angels. If you are seeking assistance, guidance, or support from the Divine, K2 will help solidify that connection and allow you to absorb the messages.

Remember, its base stone, Granite, is a very solid and grounding stone.  Although the white color links to the Crown Chakra, the blacks inclusions and Granite help to root us to the Earth.  This is extremely important because this stone not only helps to dramatically open one up to the Divine, but it also keeps us stable and prevents us to floating away aimlessly.  K2 Stone helps to dissolve barriers to our spiritual progress while allowing us to incorporate our practices in daily life.

Physical Healing Benefits of K2 Azurite Stone

K2 Stone also speaks to the physical area of the Third Eye and is said to relieve headaches, migraines, and bring stress relief.

K2 Stone Mantra Practice

Sit in seated meditation, holding the K2 Azurite Stone in your less dominant hand to receive its energy.  Really feel the support of the cushion or floor beneath you. You are grounded and supported by the Earth’s energies. Imagine giant hands underneath you, supporting you as you sit in the stable palms of the Earth’s hands.  Then imagine great, white wings expanding out from behind you.  Feel the support of both the Earth and the Divine as you open up to your Highest Potential.  Repeat these words. “I can safely accept my limitless Spiritual abilities and unbound Wisdom.” Alternately, hold a K2 Stone mala and chant this mantra 108 times.

Shop Here for K2 Stone!

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